
1st Wednesday of the Month
Next: March 2

@ Redeemer
5834 Blackwell Side Rd., Sarnia

Come early. Stay late.
Worship starts @7:30

Become UNBound

We recognize living freely in life is hard. There is a lot of pressure to perform, to measure up, to be this way or that, and certainly to achieve! We want to be heard, experience love, find value, and know that we belong. We just want to be free to be oursleves - to be UNBound by the things that hold us back or put us down!

This kind of freedom is found in a thriving real relationship with Jesus Christ!

UNBound is all about helping one another grow into that relatonship with Jesus, whether you've known Him for years or are just getting started! We are deeply committed to providing a positive, safe, and welcoming space for anyone to discover Jesus Christ and to grow in their relationship with Him.

Become the UNBound person God made you to be as you thrive in life and faith!

Reach out anytime! The journey starts here!

UNBound is a shared ministry of the Sarnia Christian Reformed churches.